A joint field trip amongst members from WP1, WP3, and WP4 took place at the end of January and the beginning of February 2017 to coordinate and align the research activities in Sudan. Colleagues from Germany (Rhine-Waal University, University of Giessen) visited the Sudanese partner universities (University of Khartoum and the University of Kordofan) who facilitated visits to the baobab collection and production areas in Kordofan North and Kordofan West as well as local and urban markets in El Obeid and Khartoum. The researchers found plenty of baobab fruits on the markets that are traded throughout the year. In the production areas information was collected on consumption of baobab, processing and marketing, patterns in baobab use and trade, as well as on growths patterns. For the case study sites, results from recent baobab mapping and characterisation activities are currently being evaluated and sampling frames for upcoming producer and value chain analysis established.