Different results from the Baofood project were presented at the Fourth World Congress on Agroforestry, which took place from the 20 – 22nd of May in Montpellier, France. Mr Ismail Adam, one of the MSc students within the project from the University of Kordofan presented his work on livelihood strategies and baobab fruit use of rural households in Kordofan, Sudan. Mr George Kaimba from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology presented first results of his PhD research (Supply response of baobab pulp to price and non-price incentives in Kenya). Furthermore, Ms Katja Kehlenbeck presented the results which were achieved in terms of characterization and domestication of baobab in Sudan and Kenya. Last but not least, Ms Katie Meinhold presented the ongoing project activities with regards to establishing the pilot baobab processing facility in in Kilifi Kenya, which made it to key-note speech in the session ‘Agroforestry in Practice’.